Traditional coasters are not a very planet-friendly way of marketing drinks brands. But what if your coasters could actively help the environment, wherever they end up?
With plantable seed paper coasters from UK Seed Paper, you can be safe in the knowledge that all of your marketing can grow stunning wildflowers that are perfect for supporting pollinators and wildlife in the UK.
Each coaster is jam-packed full of a UK-native seed mix including Daisy, Poppy and Forget Me Not seeds (all highly recommended varieties on the RHS Plant for Pollinators list).
Our coasters are 100% biodegradable and can be customised with your own custom artwork, logo and brand colours.
Planting instructions
We always encourage adding a ‘call to plant’ somewhere on your coaster design. This makes it clear to the recipient that they can plant their seed paper coaster after its intended use.
The key steps to successfully growing seed paper are:
- Rip your coaster into small pieces
- Give your seed paper a quick soak in water to loosen the paper
- Plant under roughly a 1/4 inch of soil in March for the current season or September for the following Spring
- Water at least once a day to keep your paper saturated
- You’ll begin to notice small sprouts emerging in about 10-14 days!
Some UK native wildflowers won’t sprout and bloom until the following year so make sure to not disturb the area where you’ve planted your seed paper.